It's been a week and I'm still trying to adapt to my new office's environment.'m still in the same workplace but there were some changes in our organization structure . The changes had resulted a few restructuring. My unit was among the affected one and we'd merged into a bigger family unit. Moving to a new family unit means moving towards a new environment, new colleague, new culture, new role and of course new expectation from your new boss. But it's ok, I know I can slowly get use to all this soon.
My new office, errr...yes, I do have my own room but I almost fainted when I first stepped into it. Fully occupied with so many things (almost everything) which I didn't know where to put them ! Not to mention about the "virus-infected computer" that was left for me and a rotten chair which caused me to suffer backpain and headache. Huhuh I don't mean to be so fussy but it's true. Huwaaa...something need to be done...