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Uih lama betui tak update blog ni.Sorry ye for those yang tinjau2 blog ni but found nothing baru ada sedikit kesempatan nk mencorat-coret. Last two week (27 - 30 June 2008) I was at negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang with some frens. Just jalan2 cari pasal - coz we travelled by a train :P Perjalanan pergi took about 14 hours while perjalanan pulang pulak took around 16 hours. Crazy kan? Haa..nak adventure sgt..rasakan..muahaha! You don't wanna believe that we took a seat's coach not those with bed. Actually this trip was a travel package by KTM and the rate was damn cheap! With only RM250 you will enjoy a return trip with train, one night stay at hotel, lunch and dinner provided as well as tourist guide and transportation. Kat Kelate, apa lagi yg menarik kalau bukan aktiviti sopping.

First day, not much activities were done as we're quite exhausted with the long hour journey. Cuma petang tu, we all went to Pantai Irama at Bachok. Menenangkan pkran sambil refresh balik ourselves. Pastu sblh mlmnye visited Wakaf Che Yeh, lebih kurang macam uptown la. So first agenda was to borong tudung2 bawal with extremely cheap prices! Even I couldn't speak kelate much, sengih2 sket kat 'abe' tu..haa dpt la tawar murah sket..(notty!) Second day, first destination was Rantau Panjang. About one hour journey from Kota Bharu. But it's worth. Macam2 ada..bought some jersey there and some other things. After lunch at Nasi Ulam restaurant ......with marvelesss ulam2, budu, ayam goreng and some other dishes, we went to Pasar Siti Khadijah for our last shopping hunt. Sopping lagi! And the only money left was just enough to pay for cab time nak balik ke Cyber nanti..isk isk...After almost 24 hour in the train..we finally reached bumi Cyber...huahhhhh..lotihhh....

Kenangan di kelantan

A week later, balik ke penang pulak to attend my school's 10th years anniversary reunion. It was held at Pan Mutiara restaurant and lebih kurang 30 lebih saja yg attend. Hmm..agak keciwa sket coz the event did not turn exactly like we'd planned before. Tapi takper least jadi la jugak daripada tak jadi langsung. Congrats for committee yang seriously working to ensure this event happened. Respek u guys...

Reunion @ Pan Mutiara Penang, 5th July 2008


na-nee-no said…
Kelantan.. i wasted abt half grand there before masa election. Itu belom pegi Rantau Panjang lagi.... huhuhuuhu... Kelantan is the heaven for cheap price shopping!
Rahayu Niza said…
rantau panjang sekejap sgt peruntukan masa utk bersopping kat situ huhuhu :P

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